
‘OLTL’s’ Spring Casting Notes

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 3:12 AM EDT | By Scotty Gore

( — The latest casting news for “One Life to Live.”

When Kamar de los Reyes exits the role of Antonio Vega on March 25th, he will be leaving a small reminder of his former ‘Life’ behind. ABC Soaps in Depth reports that, although de los Reyes has left “One Life,” his onscreen daughter Jamie Vega, portrayed by the adorable Saoirse Scott will be sticking around. One could suppose that her father’s departure will force Jamie to spend more time uncle Cristian, mamaw Carlotta, and papaw R.J. Gannon, given that Timothy D. Stickney is set to reprise the reformed gangster in late April. De los Reyes will briefly return as Antonio to escort girlfriend Talia Sahid (BethAnn Bonner) out of town later this spring. R.J.’s big brother Hank Gannon returns on April 1st with a surprise for ex-wife Nora, when their daughter Rachel returns the following Monday, much to her mother’s delight.

It’s no April Fool’s joke when Doc Dougherty resurfaces as hit man Jackie McNaughton on April 1st. It appears that Jackie takes care of some business for Todd, and somehow becomes caught up in Dorian’s scheme to get under the skin of someone she once tried to have taken out. To make matters worse for Dorian, she is less than thrilled by David’s latest career choice when Tuc Watkins returns on April 7th. Following that, Todd learns that you just can’t escape the past no matter how hard you try, as someone with ties to both Marty and Todd returns to Llanview on April 2nd with a score to settle. That person turns out to be none other than Zach Rosen (Josh Philip Weinstein), Todd’s old frat buddy and one of the three guys who gang raped Marty Saybrooke (Todd and Powell Lord being the others). But is Zach the serial killer, or is he just seeking what he feel he’s due? Weinstein portrayed the unrepentant Zach Rosen from 1992-1994.

Even though fans have seen little of One Tree Hill alum Brett Claywell since his February debut as LPD lab tech Kyle Lewis, they needn’t worry. Kyle becomes swept up in the Llanview Hospital drama starting in April. Speaking of hospitals, look for Rob Bradford to be appear as an orderly on May 14th. When songstress Rachael Yamagata stops by Capricorn to sing her hit single “Elephants” on April 2nd, several Llanview residents will start to feel a little misty eyed. Shots of Yamagata’s live performance will be intermingled with emotional footage of several Llanview couples and characters. According to “OLTL” Executive Producer Frank Valentini, “it’s an episode you won’t want to miss and this is something we’ve wanted to try since live week in 2002.” The special themed episode is the brainchild of longtime “One Life” music director Paul Glass, and will feature Cristian and Layla, Todd and Téa, and Rex and Gigi, among others. Yamagata’s musical interlude will end the that particular episode.

Calling All Actors: “One Life” has released two new audition scripts. The first script is for the roles of ‘Cindy” and ‘Phil.’ When ‘Morgan’ drops by to visit Cindy she apologizes for stopping by unannounced. Cindy then asks ‘Phil’ to come to the door so that he can meet ‘Josh’s’ wife Morgan. She then tells Phil that the baby Morgan is holding is Josh’s son, and their grandchild. Phil asks Morgan if their son Josh is with them, and is shocked by Morgan’s reply that he recently passed away. Morgan attempts to comfort a horrified Cindy, and tells her that Josh was in a terrible accident more than a year ago, and that she thought it would soften the blow if she told Cindy and Phil the news in person. Cindy then informs Morgan that she and Phil received a letter from Josh shortly before his death talking about how much he loved his wife and son, and that he was searching for them [his parents]. Cindy goes on to say that the letter was the last correspondence they had with their son, and just assumed that he had changed his mind about visiting them. Morgan responds by stating that Josh died in a horrible accident not long after he mailed the letter, and that she was too upset and distraught to inform them of what had happened. Cindy sympathizes with Morgan and tells her that they hadn’t seen Josh since he was about the age of her baby, who Morgan reveals is named ‘Scott.’ Morgan informs Cindy that Josh wanted to get to know them again, to which Cindy agrees from his letter. As the scene draws to a close, Cindy recounts that Josh’s letter gave them hope and that, until they received it, both she and Phil had assumed that Josh hated and resented them.

The final script is for the dayplayer role of an ‘ER Doctor.’ In the scene, ‘Lee’ is a nervous wreck and asks the doctor if ‘Jessie’s’ body could possibly be rejecting his medicine and wonders if he will be okay. The doctor responds that he won’t know more until the test results are in. He then uses his charm to ask Jessie to recall everything he did earlier in the evening. Jessie states that he and his buddies saw a cool movie and ate junk food. Taking Lee aside, the doctor informs him that everything looks good, but he swears that something was wrong with Jessie before they came to the hospital. The doctor responds by saying that he thinks that Jessie just ate too much junk food while out with his friends–nothing more than an upset tummy and being slightly dehydrated. Lee apologizes to the doctor, saying that he is sorry for overreacting, to which the doctor understands given just how sick Jessie has been lately. The scene then draws to a close as the doctor cautions Jessie to ease up on the junk food.

It is important to remember that “One Life to Live” frequently changes character names and characteristics when issuing audition scripts in an attempt to throw viewers off. Furthermore, while the ‘Cindy’ and ‘Phil’ script appears vague, the one for the ‘ER Doctor’ seems to involve Gigi (or Rex) and Shane.

“One Life to Live” airs Weekdays on ABC. Weeknights on SOAPnet. Check local listings.

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