
OLTL PreVUE: Week of February 2 Edition

Tuesday, February 3, 2009 2:22 PM EST | By Scotty Gore

( — Murder in Llanview.


Tea takes the rap for Todd; Natalie and Jessica bicker; Nora stuns the courtroom; Wes’ actions cast a suspicious shadow; Cole catches Matthew in the act; and
Viki gives David some nuggets of wisdom.

The Inside Story: Someone Has Blood On Their Hands

Todd protests his innocence to Tea, who goes to great lengths in order to protect her client. Wes reveals details about his grudge against Lee to Marty’s sympathetic ear.
Antonio and Talia are suspicious ot Tea’s claim. Wes and Marty have a tender moment. Tea claims she acted in self-denfense. Wes believes that Marty is thinking of another.
Blair observes John’s subtle actions. Jack thanks Starr for keeping their daddy out of prison. Schuyler realizes that he and Starr share a common plight. Tea’s plan goes off
without a hitch. Cole and Starr remain distant. Following the judge’s suprise verdict, Nora demands Starr be placed under arrest. Marty and Wes hear news that Lee has been
murdered. Todd pours out his heart while apologizing to Starr and Marty. John gives Marty a shoulder to lean on. Blair unleahes her anger on Tea. Marty has conflicting feelings
toward John. Blair and Marty butt heads. John asks Fish to dig up dirt on Wes. Antonio and Talia’s conversation about Lee’s murder has Wes’ attention. Schuyler destroys the
letter from his mother, and is probed by John.

A Closer Look: Teenage Angst

Cole talks to Markko about using drugs, who voices his concern. Langston is angry that Starr lied to save Todd. Starr attempts to defend her actions to Langston, who
stands her ground. Starr contacts Schuyler, looking for a friend to talk to. Cole snatches Matthew’s joint just as he is about to light up. Renee brings a halt to Cole’s threat to
expose Matthew’s drug use. Cole swallows another pill in front of Starr.

What to Watch

  • Rex clues Clint in on Dorian’s latest scheme
  • Viki just wants David to be happy.
  • David seeks advice from Viki.
  • Dorian bites her tounge as Moe announces his intent to rename her mansion.
  • Rex may be too late to save David.
  • Natalie thinks she is more of a mother to Chloe then Jessica.
  • Jessica warns Natalie to back off.
  • Gigi and Rex leave for Las Vegas to stop Dorian.
  • Jessica has a memory of the night Chloe was born.
  • Tea informs Ray that all is going according to plan.
  • Lola overhears Tea mentioning her name.

SON ALERTS: WEEK OF February 9, 2009

  • Monday: Rex and Gigi are being watched; John’s suspicions of Wes grows; Tea is honest with Lola.

  • Tuesday: Viki spots trouble in the near future; Matthew is forced to announce Cole’s drug use; Rex and Gigi are being spied upon.

  • Wednesday: Jessica feels no connection to Chloe; Rex and Gigi’s mystery woman displays her interest in them; Viki urges Natale and Jessica to make peace, not war.

  • Thursday: The Go Red Ball is full of unexpected surprises; Marty and Wes are party crashers; Gigi receives a shock.

  • Friday: The dance floor is full of strange couples at the Ball; David demands the truth from Dorian; Wes accuses Marty of toying with John’s emotions.

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