
OLTL PreVUE: Week of November 24 Edition

Thursday, November 20, 2008 10:59 PM | By Scotty Gore

( — No matter how fast you run, the past can be inescapable.


Viki tries to destroy the past, Tina bids Llanview adieu, Jessica and Brody work on mending their minds, Antonio and Talia celebrate, Cole is distraught over his mother’s memory loss, Dorian urges Blair not to lose hope, Sarah gives Cristian some food for thought, and Charlie has a surprise for Viki.

Encore Presentation

On Thanksgiving Day, viewers will be treated to an encore presentation of the September 22nd, 2008 “OLTL” episode. Featured will be Rex and Gigi, who dream of becoming a family; Brody suffering a mental breakdown as he vows not to lose his hold over Shane; Jared’s unknowingly close encounter with a missing Natalie; Tina’s apology to Natalie via hidden camera; Tess torturing Natalie; and Marty reminding Todd just how much she cares about him. “OLTL,” along with the entire ABC Daytime line-up will be pre-empted on the day after Thanksgiving, Friday, November 28th.

The Inside Story: Tough Love

John visits a somber Marty, who explains to John just how afraid of him Todd made her. Meanwhile, Dorian warns Blair not to give up on John or their relationship so quickly now that Marty is back in the picture. Later, Blair visits an emotional drained John. Cole leans on Starr for support. Blair comforts John, who apologizes for his actions. Starr informs Cole of Todd’s sick, twisted plan for their baby.

A Closer Look: A Father’s Legacy

Viki, Clint, and Natalie tear up as Jessica says good-bye to her daughters and prepares to relocate to St. Ann’s. Tina prepares to leave Llanview, but not before saying farewell to Sarah. Tina gives Sarah one of doggie David Vickers’ puppies but keeps mum on the reason for her sudden departure. Remorseful, Tina eavesdrops on Viki and her family at the hospital. As she is about to make her exit, Tina pays a visit to the Lord mausoleum, where she promises herself to become a better person and make amends with Viki. Later, Viki arrives at the mausoleum, vowing to destroy Victor Lord and his tainted legacy once and for all. Using a crowbar, Viki attempts to physically destroy Victor’s remains as she curses his memory. Meanwhile, Charlie arrives and takes a vengeful Viki into his arms. While he is holding her, Viki confesses her deepest fear. Later, Charlie has a pleasant surprise for Viki in Angel Square. Jessica and Brody get acquainted after they both check into St. Ann’s.

What to Watch

  • Rex asks Bo and Nora for help in keeping Brody out of prison.
  • Brody won’t go to prison if he enters a mental institution.
  • Wes notices that Brody is having another flashback from the war.
  • Rex, Gigi, Shane, and Wes say good-bye to Brody.
  • Rex makes progress with Shane.
  • Sister Mary Clare asks Brody to say grace at St. Ann’s Thanksgiving meal.
  • Antonio celebrates his promotion with Talia as they spend quality time with Jamie.
  • Sarah confesses to Layla that she isn’t happy with her new houseguest.
  • Nora announces that Vanessa will be deported back to Columbia.
  • Sarah finds Cristian comforting Vanessa, and storms out after confronting him.
  • Langston and Lola bond.

SON ALERTS: WEEK OF December 1, 2008

  • Monday: Llanview celebrates Thanksgiving; Viki is excited by Charlie’s surprise; Blair and Starr comfort Marcie and Michael.

  • Tuesday: Starr has a showdown with Todd; John’s love life quips Roxy’s interest; Dr. Joplin makes a horrifying discovery.

  • Wednesday: Tess wants answers about the baby; Viki angrily confronts Todd; John and Nora provide Marty with more information concerning Todd’s misdeeds.

  • Thursday: Marty and Blair have a tense run-in; Bess keeps Tess in check; Todd plots his escape.

  • Friday: Marty vows to see justice served; Dorian may hold the answer to Vanessa and Lola’s problems; John receives a dose of his own medicine.

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