
AMC PreVUE: Week of December 1 Edition

Wednesday, November 26, 2008 5:00 PM | By Angela Rosa

( – Remnants.


  • Frankie proves to be a man of his word much to Brot’s chagrin. Jake confronts Brot. Brot reels at Taylor’s reaction to the sight of his face. Jake and Frankie take on the role of peace makers. Brot faces Taylor again. Taylor sees the man she fell in love with as she looks into Brot’s eyes. Brot belittles what he and Taylor had and walks away.
  • JR’s confession gets to Amanda but over-joys David. Amanda manages to cheer up Little Adam. JR’s appreciation of Amanda grows, while Adam’s suspicions intensify. Amanda battles guilt.
  • David plays on Krystal’s intensifying depression. David and Krystal kiss. Angie leaves David with a warning. Tad is unable to reach a grief-stricken Krystal. David encounters Krystal and brings her to Wildwind where he proceeds to drug her milk. David lies to Angie when she calls looking for her friend.
  • A heartsick Zach takes his anger out at Reese who later attempts to bring Christmas cheer to the Slater household. Kendall’s loved ones gather at the hospital after she’s brought back home. David is the bearer of devastating news about Kendall. Zach presses a reluctant Reese to keep David’s news secret.
  • Jake successfully operates on Erica. Bianca covers for Erica at Fusion. Recovery proves to be a minor obstacle to Erica who handles business from her bed and insists on being taken to her daughter’s room. Greenlee and Erica reach an understanding. Erica declines Jack’s invitation and instead accepts Adam’s.

A Closer Look: Point of No Return

Annie insists on renewing her vows with Ryan who manages to disarm her. Ryan reels as Annie comes completely unglued at the police station. Ryan rages at Zach who admits he made a deal with Annie after figuring out she killed Richie. Annie points the finger at Richie when Ryan inquires if anybody helped her pull off Emma’s kidnapping. Ryan tells Greenlee he’s going to make helping Annie get better his top priority. Aidan, meanwhile, tries to get Annie to admit she’s faking her insanity. Ryan and Jesse grow suspicious of Aidan. Unable to deal with their guilt, Ryan and Greenlee go their separate ways. Annie freaks out during her sanity hearing and later attacks Aidan after he sneaks into her hospital room again.


  • Monday: Ryan and Greenlee resist the urge to act on their feelings. Jesse accuses Aidan of being up to no good. David manipulates Krystal.

  • Tuesday: Angie realizes how much she’s missed out on with Jesse. Jake won’t compete with Brot for Taylor’s love. Krystal and Bianca end up snowbound with David at Wildwind.

  • Wednesday: David sets up an elaborate plan to lure Tad out of town. Natalia accuses Angie of wanting Rebecca dead. Bianca suspects Reese is lying to her about something.

  • Thursday: Ryan commits Annie to Oak Haven. Zach and Reese keep their secret alive in front of Bianca. David questions Krystal about her and Tad’s relationship.

  • Friday: JR tears into Krystal when he finds her with David. Reese is surprised to see her father in Pine Valley. Zach demands that David perform a miracle for Kendall.

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