
OLTL PreVUE: Week of August 18 Edition

Sunday, August 17, 2008 11:07 PM | By Scotty Gore

( — Secrets, blackmail, and lies dominate Llanview.


Marcie and Michael’s marriage comes to an end, Tess grows annoyed with Tina’s increasing curiosity, Clint sets his sights on Langston as he works to retake BE and has an offer Jared can’t refuse, Antonio attempts to save his damsel in distress, and Nora’s comments prompt the teens to contemplate their future.

The Inside Story: Their Love Began Before They Were Born

As Rex begins to accept the fact that he may be stuck in the past and about to ship out to Vietnam, he becomes cozy with Emma. It is her resemblance to Gigi that results in the pair making love. Meanwhile, Gigi arrives in 1968 and quickly heads for the Buchanan Ranch. Upon her arrival, however, Gigi is disgusted that Rex would sleep with another woman after all she did to find him. She tears into him about how she allowed herself to get struck by lightning and traveled back in time 40 years just to be with him. Rex attempts to cover his actions by proclaiming that he only slept with Emma Bradley because she reminded him of his long lost Gigi. Later, once cooler heads have prevailed, Gigi and Rex come to terms with their predicament. Around the same time, Rex confesses to Gigi that he loves her. Afraid that they will be stuck in the past until 1988, Rex says good-bye to Gigi at the bus station as he prepares to ship out for Vietnam. Their tender moment is cut short however when a man resembling Brody impulsively kisses Gigi. Back in the present, Delphina has unwelcome news for Brody concerning Gigi. As a result, Brody begins to contemplate Shane’s future if Gigi fails to return to him, and prepares to use the toothbrush containing Rex’s DNA sample to his advantage. Brody calms Shane’s nerves when the boy has a nightmare about the navy seal not being his real father, and promises that no one can separate them. Bo has one last confrontation with Asa’s ghost, and is finally able to put his daddy issues to rest. Finally, Bo suffers an extreme case of déjà vu upon returning home.

A Closer Look: Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave

Todd comforts Marty when she has a nightmare about being raped. The details of her dream leave Todd feeling squeamish. Rattled by the nightmare, Marty persuades Todd to spend the night in her room. Meanwhile, John and Blair continue their little tryst and then drift off into slumber. As John sleeps, he dreams of Marty. To complicate matters, Marty dreams of John. In his dream, John is visited by Marty, who questions his motives for getting mixed up with Blair. As for Marty, while Todd sleeps on top of the covers beside her, she blames John for hurting her (thanks to Todd’s twisted history lesson). Todd feels uncomfortable, to say the least, after waking up in Marty’s bed. His feeling of awkwardness in intensified when Marty informs him of her dream about John. To lighten the mood, Todd presents Marty with a copy of The Sun, with a front-page headline linking John to Ramsey’s death. Armed with information from his P.I., Todd heads out to pay Starr’s doctor a visit. At the same time, Starr, Blair, and Marcie see a sonogram of the baby. Cole and Starr bump into each other at the country club. Todd blackmails Starr’s obstetrician into doing his bidding. Blair tries to keep her concerns about Marcie adopting the baby to herself. Marcie offers Starr and Blair a place in the baby’s life. Blair comes to terms with why Starr chose Marcie to adopt her baby. The students of Llanview High learn of Starr’s “delicate” condition. And, like a bad penny, Commissioner John McBain again finds his way to Todd’s doorstep, much to Mr. Manning’s dismay.

What to Watch

  • Todd deduces that Jessica isn’t acting in character.
  • Marcie and Michael make love one last time.
  • Tess takes subtle jabs at Natalie.
  • Tina takes an interest in the basement construction at Llanfair
  • Clint receives information about Langston from his detective, as he works to regain BE from Dorian.
  • Cole, Langston, and Markko consider their futures when Nora brings up the subject of college.
  • Tina provides Antonio with valuable information.
  • Sarah and Cristian join Antonio as he heads for Mendorra to rescue Talia.
  • Clint gives Jared the opportunity to redeem himself by helping get revenge on Dorian.
  • Clint wants to hit Dorian where it hurts by taking away what she loves the most.

SON ALERTS: WEEK OF August 25, 2008

  • Monday: Tess and Todd form an unholy alliance; Gigi makes a confession to Rex; Dallas confirms Nora’s worst fears.
  • Tuesday: Rex and Gigi learn that the truth will set you free; Tess learns whom Todd has been hiding; John and Blair are determined to learn the identity of Todd’s ‘mystery woman.’
  • Wednesday: Brody’s lies bring him closer to Shane; Antonio, Cristian, Sarah, and Talia publicly humiliate Carlo and Jonas; Bo visits Lindsay in prison; Todd and Tina share an awkward reunion.
  • Thursday: Tess threatens Todd to mind his own business; Delphina has surprising news for Langston; Jared and Natalie suggest to Carlotta that Charlie could rebuild the diner.

  • Friday: Todd tells Marty the biggest lie yet; Tess works to cover her tracks after too many people spot Leo at Llanfair; Langston begins looking into her ancestry; Blair and Todd face off at Sam’s custody hearing.

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