
OLTL PreVUE: Week of June 30 Edition

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 1:20 AM | By Scotty Gore

( — Dorian is confronted from beyond the grave.


In a special Independence Day encore of Snoop Dogg’s visit to Llanview, which originally aired on May 8 2008, Adriana’s bachelorette party gets underway at Ultra Violet. John and Blair comb the boardwalk in search of Cole and Starr. On the verge of getting an abortion, Langston blurts out to Dorian that Starr is really the one who’s pregnant. David spies Natalie kissing her ‘Uncle Jared.’ And Snoop Dogg becomes the special guest at Adriana’s party.

Todd begins to squirm when Marty asks him about their relationship in college. In an attempt to change the subject, Todd volunteers to carry Marty downstairs, and awkwardly places her in his arms. Blair arrives to confront Todd as Marty struggles to listen from an adjacent room. Todd gets under Blair’s skin, causing her to angrily sign the divorce papers. Later, John finds Blair, in tears, at the diner. Meanwhile, Todd plays innocent to Marty, claiming that John is responsible for breaking up his marriage to Blair. John provides Blair with a shoulder to lean on as Todd continues to give Marty his slant on the past and John’s role in it.

The Main Event: A Visit From the Great Beyond

Dorian continues to work to break up Addie and David’s marriage by arranging to have Madame Delphina to give the newlyweds a physic reading. Her plan backfires however, when she predicts a rosy future for the new couple. Meanwhile, Dorian receives a rude awakening when Madame Delphina conjures up the spirit of her late husband Mel Hayes, who blasts Dorian for her evil deeds. Madame Delphina informs Langston that her parents are proud of her and that she isn’t alone in the world. The physic senses that something may be wrong with Starr’s baby, and prophesies that there will be a battle for custody, with the baby suffering the most. Natalie and Jared bring the canine David Vickers to Dorian’s home. Although skeptical of her claim, Blair is nonetheless rattled when Madame Delphina sees another woman in Todd’s life. Delphina informs Charlie that he wasn’t alone the night he blacked out. Markko urges Cole to talk things out with Starr when the father-to-be confides in his friend that he will do whatever necessary to prevent Starr from placing the baby up for adoption. Starr and Langston bump into Cole when they go to the diner. Cole confesses that he and Starr may not work as a couple if she gives away the baby. Marcie seeks Judy’s legal advice concerning the adoption of Starr’s baby. Judy warns Marcie that Todd will likely stand in her way. Starr and Cole soften toward one another, but continue to disagree on what is best for the baby. Cole cannot fathom why Starr would want Marcie and Michael to have the baby. Cole pays a visit to Todd.

Tina offers Jonas the Mendorran Crown Jewels in return for Sarah and Talia’s safe return. However, Jonas instructs Tina that she, Antonio, and Cristian are taking a trip to Mendorra. Once in Mendorra, Jonas continues his ruse in front of Tina and the Vega boys, while Sarah and Talia are held captive in a dungeon. Talia receives a visit from her father, while Tina is reunited with her Prince; both men share a history with Llanview.

Around Town:

Tess continues to plot her revenge on Jared and Natalie. Pretending to be Jessica, Tess pays Natalie and Jared a visit, and claims that all is forgiven. Natalie feels things will work out for the best. Nora is disgusted when Bo and Lindsay announce they are getting married. Lindsay is successful in destroying RJ’s letter, but is unaware that Nora has another copy. Bo asks Rex to be his best man and probes him about his feelings for Gigi. As they are about to be joined in holy matrimony, Nora has the power to smash Bo and Lindsay’s happiness. Brody refuses Dorian’s order that he return the money she paid him. Instead, he surprises Gigi by announcing he used the money to start a college fund for Shane. Rex gets the wrong impression when he sees Gigi and Brody embracing one another.

SON ALERTS: WEEK OF June 7, 2008

Monday: Cole becomes desperate. Lindsay confesses her sins to Bo. Tina and Cain share their scheme to overtake Mendorra.

Tuesday: Tess fine tunes her quest for revenge on Jared and Natalie. Lindsay accuses Nora of wanting Bo for herself. Charlie and Roxy work to piece together what happened the night he blacked out.

Wednesday: Todd refuses to allow Starr to give her baby to Marcie and Michael. ‘Jessica’ persuades Jared and Natalie to move into Llanfair. Charlie confronts Dorian.

Thursday: Todd once more threatens Marcie and Michael. Rex and Gigi give into their feelings. Charlie’s attempts to redeem himself to Viki go up in smoke.

Friday: Cristian and Antonio are reunited with Sarah and Talia. Lindsay appears in court. Clint contemplates using David and Addie’s marriage to his advantage.

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