
AMC Recap: Monday, May 5, 2008

Melissa Claire Egan

MONDAY, MAY 5, 2008

In the hope of getting fired and gaining Ryan’s sympathy, Annie sabotages Fusion’s presentation for the Japanese businessmen by inserting footage of Kendall and Greenlee pole dancing. Greenlee would fire Annie on the spot but to everyone’s dismay, and Annie’s disappointment, the businessmen are won over by the presentation and award Fusion a major contract. Annie kisses Ryan but then walks away frustrated over the fact they are “just friends.” Zach explains the situation in Darfur to Ryan. Ryan seems to be his old self as he and Zach work together to come up with a plan to help Aidan rescue Jake. Jake has a chance to escape but chooses to save the life of the rebel leader instead. Robert narrowly avoids being discovered by Colby and Cassandra as they pack up for a sleepover at the Chandler mansion. Robert finds Cassandra’s sketchbook and finds a drawing of a stuffed elephant. Adam thinks his medication is causing his hallucinations but Dixie makes it clear she’s a ghost who’s going to haunt him until he does the right thing and tells Tad the truth about Kate. Angie can clearly see that Krystal still cares about Adam. Tad gets a lead on Dr. Madden’s assistant, Hazel.

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