
GH PreVUE: Week of April 21 Edition

By Angela Rosa

( — Mr. Lansing releases a very dangerous entity back into Port Charles.

Rick Hearst


Claudia and Johnny are infuriated by Ric’s actions concerning their father. Anthony warns Johnny that Claudia is a dead woman if he dares disobey him. Ric hires Logan as Anthony’s bodyguard and informs Alexis and Diane that he’s now acting as Zacchara’s attorney. Sonny warns the two attorney’s that Anthony can never go free. Claudia attempts to turn Anthony against Ric. Jason manages to save Claudia after her brakes give out on her way to their meeting. Anthony orders his men to kill both Claudia and Jason. Jason and Claudia barely escape with their lives as gunfire breaks out around them. The duo seeks refuge from the determined assassin in a nearby cabin but soon realize that they have almost no ammunition left to defend themselves. Sonny’s efforts to dissuade Ric from defending Anthony are unsuccessful. Alexis warns Ric that he’s putting everyone he loves in danger. Claudia begins to open up to Jason while they wait for the gunman to make his next move. Shots ring out in the cabin

Spinelli and Maxie try to find clues tying Ian to Michael’s shooting in the doctor’s home. Ian arrives home early. Ian mistakes Maxie for the call girl he arranged for as Spinelli hides nearby. Nikolas tells Jason the truth about his connection to Ian. Jason comes to Maxie’s rescue in the nick of time. Jason orders Spinelli to dig into Ian’s bank accounts. Johnny and Claudia offer Ian money to leave town. Ian refuses the offer and issues Claudia a warning. Sam flirts with Ian, who accuses Sam of spying on him for Jason. Ian has a proposition for Nikolas, who finally cuts his ties with the dangerous doctor. Spinelli and Maxie team up to try and prevent Ian from leaving town.


Patrick explains to an undeterred Carly that there’s been no change in Michael’s condition. Jax appeals to Jason to try and get through to Carly. Robin and Patrick are faced with the difficult task of delivering more heartbreaking news to Carly. The two medical specialists that Jax arranged for Michael inform Carly that Michael will definitely suffer some permanent brain damage if he even wakes up at all. Carly plans on taking Michael home and caring for him herself.

Robin begins to fear the challenges of motherhood. Elizabeth turns to Robin for advice on Jason and encourages her pal to make a go of it with Patrick. Robin explains to Patrick why she’s worried about Anna’s reaction to her pregnancy. Anna reacts to the news that she’s going to be a grandmother. An unsettled Robin overhears Patrick discussing just how attractive he finds … her mother.


– Diane’s blood boils when Sonny forbids her to continue her affair with Max.

– Claudia knows the real reason Sonny wants to go out with her.

– Diane gives Spinelli advice about going after the woman he desires.

– A mesmerized Spinelli can’t keep his hands off of Maxie.

– Johnny tries to push Lulu away for her own safety but she Lulu has other ideas.

– Lulu watches as a lethal Johnny confronts Sonny over Claudia’s disappearance


Monday: Sonny tries to cope with his near death experience. Things go from bad to worse for Claudia. Lulu witnesses Johnny’s dark side firsthand.

Tuesday: Claudia convinces Jason to help her. Lulu washes her hands of Johnny. Johnny sets his sights on Ric.

Wednesday: Claudia takes the stand at Anthony’s trial. Maxie sabotages Lulu’s work at Crimson. Tracy fears Luke will end up in the middle of a mob war.

Thursday: Kate is keeping a major secret from Sonny. Claudia clearly has her own agenda. Nikolas and Emily share a loving moment.

Friday: Carly refuses to accept the truth about Michael. Anthony shuts Claudia out as he asserts his power. Jason and Spinelli are hot on Ian’s trail.

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