
Zeman Releases Statement on Shell Kepler

By Errol Lewis

( — With news of actress Shell Kepler’s passing spreading throughout the country, whether through television news outlets, online reports or radio mentions in big cities, it was only a matter of time before Kepler’s former colleague’s at “General Hospital” spoke out.

Jaclyn Zeman

After releasing a statement yesterday along with comments from “General Hospital” executive producer, Jill Farren Phelps, the ABC soap has provided an official statement from Jacklyn Zeman, who portrays Nurse Bobbie Spencer.

“In addition to her acting and designing talents Shell loved to decorate her home. It was beautiful and warm…like Shell. She loved to cook and entertain. No one ever left Shell’s house hungry. She also liked to custom make gifts for her family and friends. She had a big generous loving heart and she was a special friend to me and my daughters Cassidy and Lacey. We miss her presence in our lives and we treasure the memories of our good times together.”

Kepler, who played Nurse Amy Vining on “GH” from 1979-2002, died Friday in Portland, Oregon. The cause of death has not been released by the Oregon Health & Science University Hospital where she died, reports the Associated Press.

  • General Hospital
  • Shell Kepler
  • Jacklyn Zeman

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