
GH PreVUE: Week of February 4 Edition

A Week You’ll Never Forget
Friday, February 1, 2008 10:50 PM | By Errol Lewis

( — Can a hit-and-run bring lovers closer together? Can a power struggle tear a family apart? Will doctors be able to save a Prince in need?


After Lucky and Sam have a heated confrontation over her lies and deception, Lucky is forced to leave Sam and move on with his life. After their confrontation, a distraught Sam finds herself to be the next target of the Text Message Killer. Hoping that Lucky will save her before its too late, Sam calls Lucky. Lucky doesn’t believe Sam’s claims, just as the killer strikes! READ MORE



After a visit with Dr. Lee last Friday, Carly is on her way to tell her husband some exciting news. While en route, she finds herself involved in a mishap resulting in damage to her vehicle. When she arrives home, she isn’t happy to find her husband with mortal enemy, Kate Howard. Sonny is stunned to learn that Kate told Jax about her past. Kate tries to get Sonny to admit his true feelings for her. Jax is ecstatic to learn that Carly is pregnant with his child. Mike catches Michael buying bullets. Is danger on the horizon for the Corinthos clan?


Claudia returned to Port Charles with one agenda in mind, one that will have Trevor living to regret his decisions. Claudia tries to re-connect with Johnny, who has Lulu on the brain. With an afterglow from their heated night of passion, Ric feels his future could be looking up, while Marianna gets troubling news. Taking over control of the family business, Claudia calls a meeting with the Five Families. Claudia sees eye-to-eye with Carly while visiting the Metro Court, just before meeting face-to-face with her Latin lover, Sonny Corinthos. Will sparks continue to fly or will a new truth be revealed?


– Robin grows suspicious of Dr. Devlin.

– Jerry finds a battered Sam after her hit-and-run and brings her to the hospital.

– Spinelli and Maxie investigate Coop’s room to find clues about his death.

– Patrick is protective of Robin.

– Not able to reach the pedestal that is Laura Spencer, Tracy tells Luke she is done with him.

– Elizabeth confesses to Jason that she might be the one who ran Sam down, but Jason doesn’t believe her.


Monday: Lucky doesn’t believe Sam when she tells him the killer attacked her again. Sonny and Claudia are birds of a feather. Trevor puts the pressure on Marianna to get the deeds from Ric.

Tuesday: Jason accuses Carly of being the driver that ran Sam down. Elizabeth feels guilty over Sam’s accident. Logan tell Lulu he loves her.

Wednesday: Alexis is the next target of the Text Message Killer. Luke meets Claudia and gives her some words of advice. Lucky can’t forgive Sam.

Pictured: Sarah Joy Brown courtesy ABC/SOAPnet

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