CastingComings & GoingsNews

‘OLTL’ Casting Two New Roles

"One Life to Live" issues casting calls for a pair of new minor characters.
Disney/ABC Television Group

( — “One Life to Live” issues casting calls for a pair of new minor characters.

The first script is for the recurring role of Dr. Fascinella. The script is a recycled version of the script for Dr. Pryor, which was released back in March. As you may recall, that script revolved around Bo (Robert S. Woods) and Nora (Hillary B. Smith)Buchanan finding out that their son Matthew (Eddie Alderson) was suffering from severe brain trauma. So who do you think is in need of medical assistance this time around?

The second script is for the dayplayer role of a Receptionist. The scene opens with “Ted” tells a receptionist at an office in Brazil that he has been called in to take care of a bed bug infestation. Horrified and disgusted, the woman tells him that he must be mistaken. However Ted, who claims to be from Winnipeg, tells her that he received a complaint from a woman who encountered the pests while staying at the facility recently. When he asks to speak with the doctor in charge, she tells him that Dr. Fascinella is unavailable because he is with a patient. Ted says that is okay, because the bed bug infestation was confined mainly to the reception area. As the woman screams and runs off, Ted steals some files from his desk. As the scene ends, he states that the infestation must have been a false alarm. Remember that “OLTL” often tries to throw viewers off by changing character names in these scripts.

In other news…

David A. Gregory (Ford) responded to a fan on his Facebook page asking him when “OLTL’s” last television tape date was, saying “we don’t know yet.” He also answers a question about why everyone in Llanview refers to his character only by his last name, commenting “When I first came on the show in 2009, the character was known only as Ford. When they brought the character back at the end of the year, they gave him a first name. Most people in Llandview know him as Ford. His family knows him as Robert/Bobby. My theory is he hates Bobby because it reminds him of his bad childhood and it sounds like a little kid’s name. ‘Ford’ is more mysterious, adult, and masculine.” And he previews Wednesday’s (September 21) episode of “One Life,” teasing that “Wed. on OLTL: All 3 Ford boys are back at one of their favorite places…”

Farah Fath (Gigi) tweeted Monday that it was “Back to OLTL tomorrow..cant wait for JP [John-Paul Lavoisier] to get here Wed.”

And Kristen Alderson (Starr) tweeted on Monday “SO MUCH FUN at work today!!! Hahaha” And then later with, “Can’t stop thinking about how fun my “job”was today.Thank u all for your support! I wouldn’t be able to do what I LOVE if it weren’t for u.”

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