My View of Llanview: April 15 Edition

( — "One Life to Live" learns to take the good with the bad....even when the bad outweighs the good. (NOTE: This column was written on the evening of April 14th, less than 24 hours before the news of "One Life to Live's" cancellation broke. I will talk…

My View of Llanview: March 15 Edition

( — "One Life to Live" keeps it all in the family with plot twists so convoluted and mind-boggling that you need a score card to keep up with just who is related to who. First it was Walter Balsom, then it was Mitch Laurence, then it was Charlie Banks, and then…

My View of Llanview: October 30 Edition

Saturday, October 30, 2010 at 12:01 AM ET by Scotty Gore Photo: Errol Lewis/SON ( — Halloween disappointments. How depressing is it that Erika Slezak's role on this show continues to decline. I mean it was bad enough when Viki did nothing more than dispense advice to her…

My View of Llanview: June 30 Edition

Photo: Errol Lewis/SON Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:01 AM ET | By Scotty Gore ( — Llanview experiences an infestation of the teenage variety. Summer tends to bring carefree days, refreshing dips in the pool, and golden brown tans. However, it also tends to bring out the worst in…

My View of Llanview: June 15 Edition

Photo: Errol Lewis/SON Tuesday, June 15, 2010 12:01 AM ET | By Scotty Gore ( — The lazy days of summer are beginning to take their toll. The hot, humid days of summer (or technically late spring, since summer doesn't officially arrive for a few more days) have made Llanview…

My View of Llanview: May 30 Edition

Photo: Errol Lewis/SON Sunday, May 30, 2010 12:01 AM ET | By Scotty Gore ( — Like Momma always says "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all." I'm sure some of you are expecting this column to lengthy, in depth, and opinion filled.…