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DAYTIME EMMY EXCLUSIVE: Winners React to Emmy Honors!

The best of the best took home statues during the 41st Annual Daytime Emmy Awards last night, and while viewers were able to see the winners accept their honors on stage, Soap Opera Network caught up with many of them for exclusive backstage reactions! Where will they put their gorgeous gold statues? And how will they celebrate being the top of the top in their field? Read on to find out!
Jill Johnson/JPI Studios
Jill Johnson/JPI Studios

Eric Martsolf (Brady Black, “Days of our Lives”) — Outstanding Supporting Actor

Your first nomination and you win! How does that even feel?!

I feel like Thor! Like this is my hammer. I feel like I just came in, like I duped everyone.

Not even a chance! You did such amazing work.

Thank you. I worked extraordinarily hard last year. I really did. I remember coming home and having my family look at me in the eyes and say, “Daddy, are you alright?” I was very tired. The whole substance abuse storyline takes it out of you. I mean, 12 hours of that on set, where you have to portray this tumultuous man, is not fun all the time.

And now you can say, “Kids, it was worth it. Look what I got!”

Yeah, “Now I’m happy. See?!”

Where do you plan on putting the Emmy?

Somewhere out of my kids’ reach! I’m planning on going to Home Depot and getting some really strong tape and putting it on the roof of my home. This thing is weather resistant, right?

Here’s hoping! How do you plan to celebrate?

I’m going to hang out with my lovely wife [Lisa Kouchak]. This is just as much hers as mine. We are going to go to Boa for the NBC afterparty, and we are going to drink red wine, eat steak and celebrate.

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